

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Stephenie Meyer

This is the translation of one of a post of the day April 9, 2011. To read it click here.

This was a work I did for school in 6th grade and at the same time serves as a biography of the author, here in the blog.

(I removed the Introduction and Conclusion because I think it isn't important for this situation)


Her full name is Stephenie Sonnibe Morgan Meyer.

She was born on December 24, 1973 in Hartford, United States.
She received her PhD in English Literature at Brigham Young University.
She lives in Arizona with her ​​husband, Christian "Pancho", and three kids: Gabe, Seth and Eli.
After the publication of her first novel, "Twilight", she was voted "one of the most promising new writers of 2005".
She wrote a wide variety of books, always playing with the supernatural and science fiction, such as:
ü The Twilight Saga, consisting by Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn;
ü “The Host”;
ü  In conjunction with four writers she has wrote “Prom Nights From Hell”;
  • She also wrote small sequels of Twilight Saga: "The Short Life of Second Bree Tanner", "The Twilight Saga - The Official Guide" and "The Midnight Sun"

 The Twilight Saga:
This saga is focused essentially on the supernatural. Vampires, Werewolves and Humans joined forces to form the dream of the writer.

It tells the story of Isabella Swan (Bella), a teenager who moves from Phoenix to Forks, Washington.
Experiencing a whole new world for her by falling in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire.
Also rediscovers a childhood friend, Jacob Black, but has changed, is now a werewolf.
The Twilight Saga was chosen as the "Bestseller" of the booksellerc ommunity.
A perfect balance between romance, action and suspensce.

The books in the Twilight Saga were originated in a dream that the writer, Stephenie Meyer, had on June 2, 2003.

City of Bones will be a movie!

This is the translation of the last post. To read it click here!

I already suspected but now I think this is kind of a confirmation!

  • FROM: A Portuguese website in October 5, 2010

Cassandra Clare, the author of the wonderful trilogy The Mortal Instruments, traveled today (5/10/10) for her honeymoon, but left a more than great news for the fans of the trilogy, like me! : D

When I read the article on that page, I learned that the rights of City of Bones, the first book of The Mortal Instruments, was sold to a studio, but there weren't any news if there was or not a movie, despite the constant questions from fans.

But now the wait is over because the exceptional Cassandra posted on her blog very exciting news. Sony Pictures will join Constantin Films by Screen Gems to make the movie of City of Bones. The director has already been defined, Scott Stewart of "Priest" and "Legion".

Sensational isn't it? I always wanted to see a City of Bones movie (WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE PAGE, BUT I AGREE, BECAUSE IT'S WHAT I THINK!). Everyone already knows that 99% of fans wants Alex Pettyfer in the role of Jace, including me (I THINK HE WOULD BE PERFECTLY PERFECT!) but who do you think would make a good Clary? Or a good Simon? Cassandra said that she thinks Emma Stone would make a lovely Clary. Honestly, I have no clue who she is, but I'll look ;D.

  • The December 10, 2010, the author of the page posted another information that is of more than exciting!
Finally, our beloved Cassie Clare posted on her blog today (10/12/10) that has just been confirmed what actress will play Clary on the movie! Her name is Lily Collins.

And now begins the intense speculation of who will be Jace. Like everyone else, I want Alex Pettyfer, of course! And Simon? Or Isabelle?! Can't wait, and you??

My opinion: I don't think Lily is the best choice, but I think she will surprise me!

Cidade dos Ossos vai ser um filme!

Eu já suspeitava, mas agora acho que isto é um género de confirmação!

Cassandra Clare, a autora da maravilhosa trilogia Caçadores de Sombras, viajou hoje (5/10/10) para a sua lua de mel, mas antes deixou uma notícia mais que óptima para os fãs da trilogia, como eu! ;D

Quando li o artigo sobre isto na página pronunciada acima, soube que os direitos de A Cidade dos Ossos, o primeiro livro de Caçadores de Sombras, tinha sido vendido a um estúdio, mas não havia notícia alguma se haveria ou não um filme, apesar das constantes perguntas dos fãs.

Mas agora a espera acabou porque a excepcional Cassandra postou no seu blog notícias bem animadoras. A Sony Pictures vai juntar-se a Constantin Films através da Screen Gems para fazer o filme de A Cidade dos Ossos. O diretor já foi definido, Scott Stewart de “Priest” e “Legião”.

Sensacional não é? Eu sempre quis ver A Cidade dos Ossos em filme (PALAVRAS DA AUTORA DA PÁGINA PRONUNCIADA ACIMA, MAS QUE FAÇO MINHAS, POIS É O QUE ACHO!). Todos já sabem que 99% dos fãs querem Alex Pettyfer no papel de Jace, incluindo eu (ACHO QUE ELE SERIA PERFEITAMENTE PERFEITO!!!) mas quem é que vocês acham que daria uma boa Clary? Ou um Simon? A Cassandra disse que acha que a Emma Stone daria uma ótima Clary. Sinceramente, não faço a mínima ideia de que seja, mas vou pesquisar ;D.

  • A 10 de Dezembro de 2010, a autora da página (Luiza Salazar - clica para visitar) postou uma outra informação mais que excitante!!
Finalmente, a nossa querida Cassie Clare postou no seu blog hoje (10/12/10) que acabou de ser confirmada a atriz que vai interpretar a Clary no filme! O nome dela é Lily Collins.

E agora começa a grande especulação de quem vai ser o Jace. Como toda a gente, eu quero o Alex Pettyfer, é claro! E o Simon?? Ou a Isabelle?! Mal posso esperar, e vocês???

A minha opinião: Não acho que seja a melhor escolha, mas acho que ela me vai surpreender!